Eesti Digivara Liit hosted a CTF worskhop
Thank you for joining us at our premiere event! This was a unique in-person gathering in an almost full room of AML and CTF professionals
Thank you for joining us at our premiere event! This was a unique in-person gathering in an almost full room of AML and CTF professionals
Tartu Ülikooli Õigusteaduskonna eestvedamisel toimus huvitav ja praktiline arutelu kohtutäiturite ja pankrotihalduritega digitaalsete varade arestimise ja sundtäitmise teemal.Käsitlesime, kuidas virtuaalvääringute olemasolu tuvastada ja tehinguid kontrollida,
Coinbase has petitioned the SEC for guidance on how to operate in the crypto industry. The SEC is required by law to respond to Coinbase’s
In the first-ever DAO conference in Europe, 30+ speakers, 7 keynotes, 5 panels discussed topics ranging from regulation, compliance and operational aspects of DAOs to
FinTech & Crypto Companies Risk Management – New Legal and Regulatory Aspects, and Best Practices Oli väga sisukas ja huvitav seminar FinTech- ja krüptoettevõtete riskijuhtimise
If you need legal assistance, I am here to help.Please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss your legal needs. I look forward to hearing from you.